Lenormand MoD
★ Suitable for beginners & advanced ★
Join Toni Puhle on this one of a kind, Lenormand Method of Distance course. Based on the Lenormand instructions of the 19th Century we delve into how the near versus far instructions can help you in both small spreads and the Grand Tableau.
The first run of this course was one LIVE Lesson per day in w/c 7th June 2021 you now have access and are able to learn in your own time and on a home study basis. If you wish to practice, join the World Lenormand Association group on Facebook with Toni.
Return to the salons of the 19th Century and begin storytelling with your Lenormand deck. Don't trip yourself up with interpretations, know what your answer is every single time!
The Instructions!
Lesson 1 - Lesson 1 Philippe Lenormand Instructions. How to use the original German instructions to your advantage and simplify your reads!
The Clusters!
Lesson 2 - The easiest, yet most overlooked, Lenormand technique available to swiftly understand the meaning of your spread!
Near or Far?
Lesson 3 - What counts as near or far? When do we use the Method of Distance and when do we choose other techniques? What is the best mode of employment?
MoD in Small Spreads!
Lesson 4 - How can the Method of Distance help us in 3-9 card spreads? Can it help us gain an insight into what we haven't seen or is it just another way of seeing the same?
MoD in the GT!
Lesson 5 - The original way to read your Lenormand spread. Whether a General GT or a themed read, here you will learn all you need to know about reading with the MoD techniques.
Example Curriculum
Home Study
The course is a previous live course that is now available for home study for you to watch & download. 5 Lessons to walk you through the Method of Distance techniques that you can employ daily in your reads.
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