Ho'oponopono Practitioner
You may have come across the Hawaiian Art of Forgiveness in your travels, but do you really know what it means to be a Ho'oponopono Practitioner? We are not forgiving others, we are learning how to return to our spirit state and how to apply it to every day life and to the lives of your clients.
Ho'oponopono is a lifestyle and techniques that can improve a clients' life within minutes of you meeting.
Change your life - Change the lives of those around you - Become a Ho'oponopono Practitioner today!
Welcome to my level 1 foundation course on Ho’oponopono and the art of forgiveness. This is a practice I have been using over the last eight years personally and one that has become extremely powerful in my daily life and the lives of others. It is a chance to reboot and return to the natural state in which you were born, before patterns of behaviour or lessons were learned. An openness to the universe and all the surprises it contains.
All information within this course has been designed to change your life and your perspective on life. Take time to digest the lessons and practice, practice, practice… don’t worry when daily life gets in between, simply switch back when it does. This will all make more sense as you make your way through the lessons.
- What is Ho’oponopono and how can I benefit
- Void / Memories
- Cleansing You
- Cleansing your environment
- Cleaning Tools
- The 3 Selves
- Generational Cleansing
- How to work with others
- Become a Practitioner - EXAM
Your Instructor
Toni Puhle, The Card Geek - Bio
Toni Puhle, BKRM (TM) Master Reader, Master Teacher, Author of The Card Geek's Guide to Kipper and Founder of the World Divination Association, I teach students around the world the art of card reading systems. If you want to know about cards or reading systems and divination I am your girl. Mix this in with Marvel, Minecraft and Books then you have a pretty rounded picture of me! Whether you are new to card reading or advanced, join me on your journey!
Divination and Cartomancy have always been in my life, my family descends from the Irish Gypsies and we have had some colourful ladies in our family tree. I have learned from many teachers around the world and have researched and studied the traditional systems of Lenormand, Kipper and Gypsy Cards in England, France and now Germany. I live a stone’s throw from Munich where the first Kipper Deck was released and not far from the roots of the Game of Hope in Nuremberg. The last 10 years I have focused on Kipper Cards and how they have been read in Bavaria meeting amazing generational readers and families who pass down the art of reading Kipper.
The Card Geek's Guide to Kipper Cards Book, Deck and Reading Cloth were released in December 2017 and are available on Amazon.
Website www.thecardgeek.co.uk
YouTube www.youtube.com/thecardgeek
Social Media @thecardgeek
Course Curriculum
StartHo'oponopono Prayer 108 repetitions (10:40)
StartLESSON 1 What is Ho’oponopono and how can I benefit (15:21)
StartLESSON 2 - What is Void? Cleansing you and your environment
StartLESSON 3 - Cleansing Tools
StartLESSON 4 - The 3 Selves
StartLESSON 5 - Generational Cleansing
StartLESSON 6 - Being a Ho'oponopono Practitioner
StartHo'oponopono Practitioner Exam