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Le Grand Jeu Lenormand Level 2
Welcome to Le Grand Jeu, level 2
Le Grand Jeu Lenormand card meanings - Original Translation
The Clubs - Meanings Video (22:24)
The Hearts - Meanings Video (20:52)
The Diamonds - Meanings Video (24:02)
The Spades - Meanings Video (23:10)
Lesson 1 - Division of the Game - The Card Types & Spread
Lesson 1 - Division of the Game - The Card Types & Spread (54:10)
Lesson 2 - The Flowers
Lesson 2 - The Flowers - The Flower Spread (34:07)
Lesson 3 - Geomancy
Lesson 3 - Geomancy (21:42)
Lesson 4 - The Letters
Lesson 4 - The Letters (34:31)
Lesson 5 - The Animals, Reptiles & Birds
Lesson 5 - Lesson 5 - The Animals, Reptiles & Birds (20:11)
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The Hearts - Meanings Video
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